THE TECHIE-SCIENCIE EPISODE features Wired magazine’s Liz Stinson talking about translating design into stories and Story Collider’s Erin Barker talking about turning science into stories. In between, host Christine Schuster and co-host Peyton Witzke talk about magic cat litter, death-acting in the nursing department and science project injuries.

WITTY RANTER PODCAST takes on vague themes each week within art and culture. The host generally knows nothing about the topic, but can talk for hours about it with her co-host. She also brings in edgy guests – such as Wired magazine’s Liz Stinson, The Moth’s Erin Barker or NPR’s Nicky Hammar – who know what they’re talking about but don’t take themselves too seriously.

Host and producer: Christine Schuster is a senior journalism and theater major. She can really write and report and do other stuff. She wrote this wedding story for City Pages. From Eagan, Schuster has interned at the Orpheum Theater on both the artistic and communications side. She’s obsessed with vintage clothing. The really old stuff.

Co-host: Peyton Witzke is a senior nursing and journalism major from Sioux Falls, South Dakota. She’s a busy student nurse who wants to work in an oncology unit and use her writing and reporting skills to help a cause, such as Make-A-Wish Foundation. She loves her mama and administers IVs to her cat.