The savvy businessman may have been what we needed in 2016, but America will have outgrown him by the next election.
By Samuel Krueger
For most Americans, whether they like it or not, Trump’s presidency will be a successful one. Americans are making more money and giving less of it to the government, businesses are growing, minority unemployment is at unprecedented lows, illegal immigration is at its lowest point in a century, and Americans feel confident in their purchasing power. Taxes are down, but federal revenue is still increasing, albeit more slowly than before. CNBC reported that America is on track to be a net exporter of energy by 2022, four years earlier than anyone expected under Obama. America is getting greener. The Star Tribune reported that since Trump’s inauguration, the wind power industry has been seeing double digit growth across the country.
Minnesota has seen many of the benefits of a Trump presidency and Republican leadership.
The combined federal and state tax reductions have led to a $320 million revenue surplus. Wages are up and so is spending among consumers. According to the Tax Foundation, many other states are collecting hundreds of millions in extra revenue this year as well, as reported by U.S. News & World Report.
Trump has nominated more women to senior cabinet positions than any other president. The Trump administration is also the first to be accepting of homosexuals since day one.
He has managed the most comprehensive tax reform in American history. Whether or not he will be successful we have yet to see, but his administration is jumping head first into the issue of immigration reform and many other topics that other presidents simply couldn’t accomplish.
So while the vast majority of Americans are living better (minus the millionaires who can no longer deduct their massive mortgages from their taxes), now more than ever his time in office has shown us that we need a return to devoted political types, not famous billionaires. A presidential election should be a battle of ideas, not a contest of sheer fame. While I agree with many of Trump’s policies, I disagree with most of what he says and how he carries himself. It is time we got ourselves a proper head of state.
In the end, Trump is exactly what this country needed after eight stagnant, damaging years of Obama. But now that America is back in fighting shape, is he really what we still need? The answer is undoubtedly no.