Campus pastor and BUILD teacher Jason Steffenhagen
By Jasmine Johnson
When walking through the skyway towards the Wellness Center, it is easy to miss the recent changes that the formerly-named office of Campus Ministries has made.
After the Advancement and Development Team moved to the Anderson Center, Church Relations was no longer necessary as an independent department. Since Bethel remained connected to many local churches, the majority of these responsibilities were handed over to Campus Ministries.
Some initiatives, such as Work with Purpose in Bethel Seminary, stayed with their previously designated departments. The rest were given to Campus Ministries.
With so many changes happening around the office, a new name was necessary. The sign hanging in the Hagstrom Center now states Bethel University Office of Christian Formation and Church Relations.
“We don’t just do ministries, but we also do a lot of one-on-one, formation and care for students, and so we thought Christian Formation was a better descriptor of what our office is providing,” campus pastor Jason Steffenhagen said.
During the Robertson Center and Business Department renovations, the Office of Christian Formation and Church Relations received a new paint job and exchanged the entryway table for a couch. Steffenhagen explained the staff’s desire to make all students feel welcome and comfortable, whether grabbing coffee, waiting to talk to someone, or just finding a space to relax.
“The mission is still the same,” Steffenhagen said. “We’re still here to come alongside students and help them in their faith journey, seeking Christ together.”