Aamodt’s Apple Farm
Located in Stillwater, the apple farm offers wagon rides, apple picking and live music. The bakery offers honey and apple samples and sells fresh apple pie, syrup and more. Check out the goat farm too!
The haunt includes themed attractions such as the Pumpkin Promenade, MaSCAREade and Darkness Awaits. Guests can also brave some of their favorite roller coasters in the dark.
Dead End Hayride
A frightening experience that includes a haunted hayride, trail and cornfield. It is located in Wyoming, MN and costs $20 for general admission bought online.
Pine Tree Apple Orchard
Activities include wagon rides, corn mazes and pumpkin picking. Visit their website for more information on weekend entertainment such as live music and a quilting show. The orchard is located in White Bear.
Fright Farm
An indoor haunt that was voted best in Minnesota. “Low Scare” is an event happening Oct. 27 at 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. in Maplewood for those who have a lower scare tolerance.
Country Sun Farm and Greenhouses
Attractions include a hayride, corn maze and a petting zoo. Visit the greenhouse and pick up your very own pumpkin! Concessions are also available with mini donuts, hot apple cider, caramel apples and more. The farm is located in Lake Elmo.
Halloween Decor
Find low price decorations for your dorm room at the Target dollar spot. They have foam pumpkins, Halloween party favors, fall greenery and more.