By Abby Petersen and Maddie DeBilzan
Bethel announced Friday that Campus Ministries would launch a discipleship group, called “Prism,” for College of Arts and Sciences students who identify as LGBTQ+. Associate Campus Pastor Jason Steffenhagen will be working with student leaders to form and facilitate the group. The news was shared with the Bethel community at 6 a.m. via Bethel E-Announcements, an automated email service.
“The discipleship group, called Prism, will provide a space for students to share their stories, build community, and grow in their relationships with God,” the announcement said.
Steffenhagen and two of Prism’s student leaders, Maddie Hollander and Chase DuBose, met with The Clarion on Friday afternoon to discuss the new group’s mission.

Prism’s mission will be to cultivate a community within Bethel for students who identify as LGBTQ+. It will operate similarly to groups such as Mighty Men and Rooted – it’s issued by Campus Ministries, but it will be led by the students with the help of Steffenhagen and an additional staff member.
DuBose and Steffenhagen emphasized that Prism isn’t an outreach group – instead, it will focus on reaching in, making sure that students who identify as LGBTQ+ can feel like their stories are heard. For this reason, the group is only open to students who identify as LGBTQ+. Steffenhagen also encourages students who have questions to talk to him.
“The goal of Prism is not to educate Bethel,” said Steffenhagen. “It’s for students to feel known and heard.”
Although Prism is a new official Campus Ministries for LGBTQ+ students, it’s been in the making for years. LGBTQ+ groups have long been cultivating unofficial groups where they could enjoy meals, talk about their faith and pursue a community with each other. The reason Steffenhagen decided to make the group official, he said, is because students such as DuBose and Hollander wanted a group that would outlive any one specific group of leaders.
The group’s creation addresses long-held tensions between the Bethel student body and language in the Student Handbook, which says that “scripture specifically forbids drunkenness, adultery, and fornication (defined as cohabitation and/or premarital sexual relations of both a heterosexual and/or a homosexual nature). Bethel offers help in clarifying issues of sexual identity and moral behavior for students having concerns in this area.”
Although the group is new, Steffenhagen said that its mission and motives are things that Bethel has always aligned with.
In May 2015, The Clarion published “Being Gay at Bethel” a story that articulated the unique experiences of LGBTQ+ students at Bethel. Three years later, the official group has arrived.
For junior JohnMark Shields, the group feels like a long-awaited welcome to him and other LGBTQ+ students at Bethel.
“This group means for queer and same sex attracted students that we have a space to speak about gender and sexuality within a Christian context,” Shields said. “It means we have a chance to be visible in a Christian setting and talk about what many queer or same sex attracted students go through daily.”
DuBose estimates there will be 20-30 Prism participants next year. They will have their first official meeting this spring, where they will celebrate a new group for the LGBTQ+ community at Bethel and discuss plans and goals for the coming year.
“It’s a pure and total outpouring of love that many thought would take many more years to happen,” Shields said.
Jack Hallman • Jul 4, 2019 at 2:20 pm
Is Bethel approving of all things gay, or is there room here for Scriptural study of human sexuality and Scripture has to say about it? I have no problem with same-sex attracted students meeting to discuss and encourage each other in the areas of the particular challenges they encounter. But what’s the next step? Revisionist interpretations of Scripture? Is this an inevitable slide into sexual pan-everythingism that so many other Christian schools have caved into? I’m not a prophet “nor the son of a prophet” but it doesn’t take a prophet to see the next step. I hope Bethel proves me wrong
John • Dec 31, 2018 at 11:11 am
I am a Bethel Grad and am grieved in my heart about this. This right here is the very reason there are layoffs here at Bethel and they are having layoffs. Northwestern which is not compromising the Bible is now growing right next door. This is not good.
Becky Johnson • May 20, 2018 at 11:09 am
I do not understand how this Christian school can sanction a group such as this. If this were a support group for those seeking to change, I could see the value of it, but this does not sound like this is the case. Did those in this group and it’s leaders not sign a doctrine stating they would not engage in this behavior? Sanctioning and supporting this goes directly against the doctrine and Gods word, which is quite clear on this. Bethel, take a stand on what is right and true. Support the seeker, but not the sin.
Mark Bruce • Sep 9, 2018 at 5:18 pm
I would respectfully offer an alternative idea for your consideration: Instead of “support the seeker, but not the sin,” how about “come alongside the seeker in love, as a neighbor (Matthew 22). Then seek truth together (one of Bethel’s core values), and trust the Holy Spirit (whose job it is to convict) to lead both seekers to whatever outcome that Spirit deems correct.” ? Unless we believe the Holy Spirit is somehow insufficient to that task, or believe that we know better that the Holy Spirit what a person needs, there’s no need to us to predetermine for that Spirit what shape that outcome will take. As Billy Graham used to say, “It’s the Holy Spirit’s job to convict, God’s job to judge, and my job to love.”
Mitchell Elliott • Oct 3, 2018 at 1:40 am
One of the means the Spirit uses to convict is His breathed-out word. And in the vast majority of places His word is quite clear. “And such *were* some of you.” (1 Cor. 6:11a) I hope this group has leadership that points them to this great hope (of overcoming all kinds of temptations) that we have through the gospel!
Mark Bruce • Oct 12, 2018 at 4:12 pm
Which means that studying that breathed-out word authentically together–sans judgement on the part of any fallen human beings involved–would naturally lead to whatever outcome the Spirit wills, no?
George Jetson • May 14, 2018 at 10:45 am
You dishonor the LGBTQIA+ community by misspelling LGBTQIA+ as LGBTQ+.
Megan • May 13, 2018 at 12:11 pm
I believe this is a step in the right direction for Bethel. Students at Christian colleges need to be heard and better understood because we want all people to feel included and loved in a Christian community.
Sharon • May 12, 2018 at 8:34 pm
What exactly is the purpose of this group?? This article does a very poor job of explaining anything! Is this about a group of students who struggle with sinful desires wanting help, or something else entirely?
Austin Lyon • May 12, 2018 at 12:54 am
As a former staff member, I am so grateful for this. I’m so proud that Bethel is willing to let LGBTQ+ students meet in an official capacity and recognize them as an important part of the community. I am with you, I am for you, and I see you.
Jerry Rossi • May 11, 2018 at 7:41 pm
The article says “the groups creation addresses long held tensions between the Bethel student body and language in the student handbook”. It then goes on to say what’s in the handbook, none of which seems even remotely controversial for a Christian college, however the author doesn’t clarify what issues the Bethel Student body has with this part of the handbook. Seems very incomplete to not address that after making the comment. Please explain.
Doug Kingland • May 11, 2018 at 6:14 pm
So your telling me that Bethel feels the need to re-examine scripture which is truth ( if you are a Christian) and the university’s bylaws. In order to satisfy and legitimize the carnal urges of people. Where are you going to draw the line on the abberations of the laws of nature and God.