The following is an opinion piece and does not necessarily reflect the views of The Clarion, its staff or the institution. If you would like to submit a response or an opinion piece of your own, please contact
By Rich Zaderaka
Dear Editor,
I was disappointed and disgusted to learn that Snoop Dogg, who might be America’s leading producer of filthy lyrics, was allowed to perform on the Bethel campus. If he’s not the top one, he’s certainly in the team photo.
Laurel Bunker’s, “we just rented the facility…” is a flimsy excuse, lacking credibility – much like many of Hillary Clinton explanations.
The facility rental contract language could include context that bans any performer whose past or present conduct would demean and denigrate the mission and core values of Bethel – and reserve the right for advance approval of every performer/speaker.
Snoop Dogg’s reputation and body of work greatly conflicts with Bethel’s core values. I am not aware of him renouncing all his previous purveyance of perverse and putrid material.
Were those who approved this event with him as a participant mesmerized by the glamour and celebrity of association with the NFL, desirous of publicity for Bethel at any cost or simply poorly equipped to make a sound decision?
Laurel Bunker and/or anyone else associated with this alliance should know that any event held on campus lends the name, reputation and approval of Bethel to the event and to participants.
So why would a viper of vulgarity like Snoop Dogg be allowed at such a highly publicized event? Deceived that anyone using the words God, Jesus, faith, love, gospel, Bible, etc. is an authentic follower of Jesus?
I believe there should be a published and broadcast apology through major media for Snoop’s presence at this event. And perhaps at least one of the persons responsible for the decision or failure in oversight should have the dignity to resign over having made such a deeply flawed decision.