Inspired by TheSkimm, longer than the e-announcements, created with your short attention span in mind.
By Ariel Dunleavy | Contributing Writer
No more CampusClear.
Good news, everybody — students no longer need to fill out CampusClear to report COVID-19 symptoms. Bethel sent out an email Friday announcing the discontinuation of CampusClear. Students are no longer required to report their symptoms, or lack thereof, every day. Even though CampusClear has been removed from our daily schedules, students should still keep up to date with the COVID-19 dashboard.
Room draw approaching.
Room draw for the 2021-2022 school year is right around the corner. Room draw for all Suite-Style housing will begin March 8 at 4 p.m. and March 4 at 4 p.m. for North Village. Students need to get housing applications in and match with all roommates, priority deadline for housing is March 3 at 10 a.m. Housing applications and roommate selection forms can be found on MyBethel.
Presidential election results.
After a long month working, preparing and campaigning for the Bethel Student Government presidential elections, results were announced Friday. Blake Birno and Marissa Cutlan will be the student body President and Vice President of the 2021-2022 school year.
Happy March.
After a long, brutally cold February, students have trooped through to March. With another warm week ahead and spring break only two weeks away, now would typically be the time we push off our homework and procrastinate more than we have been all semester. I know that I have continued to push off studying for a Christian Theology exam I have this week. However, this is the home stretch. Stay motivated, study hard and remember that it is okay to take a break.