The Student Senate met Monday. Here is what you need to know.
By Molly Wilson
Student Involvement job description
The previous job description for Student Involvement included writing articles and reports for The Clarion. This is no longer the case. Instead, the position hosts a minimum of four events designed to encourage interaction between the student body and Student Senate. Resolution 64-6 was passed and made these changes to the job description.
Limiting club funding
Because of recent budget cuts to BSG as a whole Clubs and Organizations has received a 66% cut which represents $19,000. To accommodate for these changes Student Senate passed Resolution 64-7 does not allow for special accommodations without receiving approval from the senate.
Changing freshman visitation hours
Per the request of the Assistant Resident Directors, Student Senate discussed writing a statement of opinion in support of expanding freshman vis hours from 4 p.m. through 10 p.m to 12 p.m. to 10 p.m.
Stipend for Executive Assistant of UCB
Student Senate proposed Bill 64-3 which would fund the new Executive Assistant of United Cultures of Bethel Stipend of $800. If the position is made permanent the stipend will no longer come from the Senate General Fund.
Extra funding to Clubs and Organizations
After Resolution 64-3 was passed last week which changed club inactivity policies BSG was able to gain access to $38,699.04 of inactive club funds. Bill 64-4 proposes allocating $7,653.07 of this to Clubs and Organizations.
Student Activity Fee
A team has been formed to work with Financial Officer Nelson Cox to look at the Student Activity fee. At this time the members of the committee are not available to the student body.