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Monday, Dec. 12
Current news from Bethel, Minnesota and beyond, brought to you by the Clarion.
Kylie Gregory | News Reporter
Bethel News
- Therapy Dogs will be on campus today and Tuesday from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. in Brushaber Commons!
- Make sure to return your textbooks to the Campus Bookstore before Friday. You may pick up your Interim books at that time as well!
Local News
- Snow emergencies were declared for the first time this season in Minneapolis and St. Paul due to heavy snowfall- as much as 10 inches- causing crashes and spin-outs across the Twin Cities over the weekend. Read the StarTribune’s report on the snowfall here.
- Achieve Minneapolis has started a fundraising campaign to help cover the costs of 4,000 Minnesota students’ lunch account balances, according to the StarTribune. Read about it here. Donate on the fundraising campaign’s website here.
National and World News
- Donald Trump has reportedly only attended two Presidential Daily Briefings, stating that he only gets it when he needs it, according to NBC News. Read more on this break in precedent here.
- Nimrud, an ancient city of Iraq, has been leveled from an ISIS attack, leaving priceless artifacts destroyed and devastating destruction, according to NBC News. Find more about the results of the attack here.