Inspired by TheSkimm, longer than the e-announcements, created with your short attention span in mind.
By Sarah Bakeman | News Editor
Bethel Honey
Bethel University has partnered with the University of Minnesota Bee Squad since 2015 to maintain six bee hives on campus. Basically, the bees are living on this campus for free. Oh, to be a bee. A girl can dream. Stop by the table outside the 3900 Grill tomorrow from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. to watch how the Bethel Bee honey is bottled, try a sample and maybe use your flex money to buy a bottle. Unfortunately, I don’t think any of the bees will be there in person. If they were, I’d like to shake their hands and congratulate them.
BUILD Mentors Needed
Mentors are needed to help BUILD students as they begin their internships. Job mentors provide on-to-job coaching and support to BUILD students in order to foster independence. Students can fill out an application and meet with a member of the BUILD staff for a brief interview. Schedules are made based on your availability and the student’s work schedule.
Thank a Staff or Faculty Member
November is Faculty and Staff Appreciation Month. Students and alumni are invited to send a note to someone who has impacted life at Bethel and made a difference for them. I can’t verify whether or not the note will give you brownie points with the professor whose class you’re failing, but you can always give that a try. Let me know how it goes! Simply fill out the form, and Bethel will print and distribute the note for you. Now I’m just waiting for Student Appreciation Month. I recently got 30% on an APA citation practice assignment, and I need to be thanked for not dropping out of college after that.
Christmas Dinner with Student Activities
Free dinner will be provided off campus this Friday in the Anderson Center. Shuttles will be bringing students back and forth from 5-7 p.m., and the DC will be closed that night. Parting with the DC is such sweet sorrow, but fret not. Restaurants such as Buffalo Wild Wings, Chick-Fil-a and Noodles will be served at this dinner. I don’t want Sodexo to know we’re cheating on them, so everybody keep nice and quiet about this event.